Websites designed especially for electrical contractors
Without a quality website that is mobile friendly and promotes an electrical contractor business in a clean and easy to navigate way an electrical business, like almost every other business in the UK will struggle to generate new customers.
Why is that?
Beacaue in the modern business world virtually every potential new customer will invariably check you out before they do business with you. They will want to see who you are and what you do and where you do it.
What better way is there today but to use the internet to find out about you and your electrical business through a website. They will make a local search for electrician, electrical repairs and so on. If you are not there you are invisible.
True they may use Checkatrade or some other business directory, but in most cases that will not be enough.
Why An Entry in Checkatrade is Not Enough
Now Checkatrade is brilliant for supporting your business but it does not actually generate business and that is what you really need.
Why? Because good as it is to give your business credibility with potential customers offering testimonials and confirmation of legitimacy of your business, at the end of it all, Checkatrade is nothing more than a business directory that lists many businesses the same as yours together. Whereas it is important for you to be seen there, you are very unlikely to receive many enquiries ufrom there unless you hold one of the top 2 or 3 spots.
All the entries look the same and scores and testimonial all follow a similar pattern which makes each entry almost identical, giving a potential customer a difficult choice. In fact, despite Checkatrade having advertising campaigns from time to time, it is not used as a first resort by searching customers, Google is.
That is why you need your own website that is configured to promote what you do and where you do it.
It is the same principle as with Google. in that 90% of all queries come from the first 3 entries. If you are on page 2 or below, no-one will find you because no-one bothers to dig that deep.